What is the right dose of mushroom extracts?

What is the right dose of mushroom extracts?

Mushroom extracts, used for various health benefits, vary significantly in potency and application. This guide will delve into the appropriate dosing of mushroom extracts, considering factors like extract vs. non-extract forms, potency, and intended use, such as prevention or tr**tment.

  1. Understanding Mushroom Extracts vs. Non-Extracts: What is the difference between non-extracts and extracts?

Mushroom extracts are concentrated forms of mushrooms, often available in powder, capsule, or liquid form. They are more potent (more active compounds by volume) than non-extract forms (whole or dried mushrooms) due to the concentration process which pulls out the bioactive components. This potency is a key factor in dosing, preparation. If you use a non extract powder, try cooking it first so that you can digest it and make those compounds bioavailable. 

  1. Recognizing Potency and Extract Types: How potent are my extracts?

Potency in mushroom extracts varies widely based on the type of mushroom and the extraction process. For instance, dual-extracted (water and alcohol) mushrooms like Reishi and Chaga have different concentrations of active compounds compared to water-extracted varieties like Turkey tail (Trametes versicolor). The type of extraction impacts the concentration of bioactive substances like polysaccharides, triterpenes, and beta-glucans. Most products on the market from large brands use a 30% polysaccharides spec, which often contains 15-20% maltodextrin. This is the most widely used, made and promoted spec. Because these brands only look at their bottom line or don't know better, or are being mislead by their supplier. Or, big brands make larger profits from offering a mushroom powder that is not extracted at all. Non-extracts have a place too, and its usually in a smoothie or a soup! This is much cheaper to produce but often costs the same as an extract. Then there's the mycelium on grain products which is a whole other bag of fermented grain. Check the Label!

Watch out for extract ratios as they only reflect the concentration and not the amount of active compounds. Click here for a full list of Hamilton’s Extracts specifications.

All of Hamilton's products contain a blend of extracts in equal parts 

comparing extracts

  1. Intended Use: Prevention vs. Tr**tment: Why am I taking Mushrooms?

The purpose of using mushroom extracts significantly influences the dosage. For preventive health, lower doses are typically sufficient. For example, a general preventive dose can range from 500mg to 2g daily. However, for tr**tment purposes, such as supporting immune health or cognitive function, higher doses may be required (3g-6g daily), often guided by healthcare professionals. I have found that consistent doing over time yields the most measurable benefits. I give myself breaks of a few days or a week so that I can “reset” my body, same like I do with any supplement. Some of these extracts can even be used for recreational purposes: I take a heaping tablespoon (5-10g) of Crucial Cordyceps before a ski, or a long hike. Or a macro dose of Lucid Lions Mane to give me that mental edge before a negotiation, or a mega dose (20g) of Reishi Rampart if I want to feel extra sensitive ;)

  1. Average Dosing Across Clinical Research:  Where does medicinal mushroom dosing come from?

Clinical research offers a basis for effective dosing, but it's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all dosage. Most studies on Lion's Mane, known for cognitive benefits, use a dosage of 250mg to 1g per day. For Reishi, used for immune support and stress reduction, dosages in studies range from 1.5g to 9g per day in extract form. Shiitake, known for supporting heart health, often sees dosages from 2g to 6g per day in studies. When you factor in potency, the numbers can shift again, higher potency = lower dose.  Check out the chart below for dosing.

  1. Customizing Dosage Based on Individual Needs: Should I Listen to my body?

Individual factors like age, health status, and sensitivity to supplements should guide dosage adjustments. For instance, older adults or those with specific health conditions may require different dosages compared to healthy, younger individuals. Always start with a lower dose to assess tolerance. 

How do I know if my mushroom extract is working? With a high quality mushroom extract you will have a visceral measurable result. If you are not sure, take a large dose 3-5g, if nothing happens switch brands!

  1. Importance of Quality and Label Reading: 

Look for products specifying the type of extract, the mushroom species, and any additional ingredients. Labels should also indicate the percentage of bioactive compounds. Read more about this HERE.

  1. Consulting Healthcare Professionals:

Before starting any new supplement regimen, particularly for therapeutic purposes, consult a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance tailored to your health status and needs.

  1. Monitoring and Adjusting:

Observe how your body responds to the mushroom extract and adjust the dosage accordingly. Some benefits, like cognitive enhancements or immune support, may take time to become noticeable. When you start taking mushroom extracts, ideally you will start to feel better and that will create a new base line of wellness. Better sleep, more energy throughout the day, less aches and pains, increased vitality and so many other measurable metrics. However!  The effects of the mushroom extracts will wear off after you stop taking them reverting back to the old baseline of wellness. 

Dosing mushroom extracts requires a thoughtful approach, considering factors like potency, extraction type, and intended use. By starting with average doses from clinical research and adjusting based on individual needs and responses, one can safely explore the health benefits of these fascinating natural supplements. Remember, quality matters, and when in doubt reach out!


Dose for Prevention (per day)

Dose for Tr**tment (per day)

Approx. Teaspoon Amount

Reishi Rampart

500mg - 1g

1.5g - 5g

0.25 - 2.5 tsp

Lucid Lions Mane

250mg - 500mg

1g - 3g

0.12 - 1.5 tsp

Crucial Cordyceps

500mg - 1g

2g - 5g

0.25 - 2.5 tsp

True Chaga

500mg - 1g

2g - 6g

0.25 - 3 tsp

Body Blend

1g - 2g (average)

3g - 6g (average)

0.5 - 3 tsp

Mind Mix

750mg - 1.5g (average)

2g - 4g (average)

0.75 - 2 tsp

Shop High Potency, Dual Extract Mushroom Powders


Key Points to Consider:

  • Blends Composition: For Body Blend and Mind Mix, the dosage is averaged based on their constituent mushrooms.
  • Teaspoon Measurement: This is an approximation, actual volume may vary based on the density and grind of the extract.
  • Customization and Adjustment: Dosages can be adjusted based on individual needs and specific blend formulations.
  • Consultation for Tr**tment: Higher doses, especially for treatment, should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • Quality and Concentration: The efficacy and required dosage can be influenced by the quality and concentration of the extracts.

Remember, this chart is a guideline and individual dosages should be adjusted based on personal health, response to supplements, and the specific formulation of the mushroom extracts used.

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Hamilton Pevec

Hamilton believes efficacious and affordable medicine should be a right to all people. That price should not be a barrier to healing. Hamilton quit his job and dedicated his life to mushrooms! He continues the life long learning of Identification, Cultivation, and the physiological benefits of eating these little chemical factories. Hamilton's Mushrooms exists to support and foster mycological communities, and help elevate mycology around the world.