• Agarikon Mushroom


    Agarikon stands as a bastion of longevity, its ancient wisdom offering unparalleled immune support and antibiotic properties.

    Shop Agarikon 
  • Chaga mushroom


    Chaga, the dark diamond of the woods, brews a potent antioxidant elixir, fortifying the body's resilience against the ravages of time and elements.

    Shop Chaga 
  • Cordyceps mushroom


    Cordyceps ignites a burst of energy and endurance, yet striking a balance between performance and improved sleep.

    Shop Cordyceps 
  • Lion's Mane mushroom


    Lion's Mane sparks neural fireworks, its cascading tendrils nurturing the brain's garden and enhancing cognitive clarity. 

    Shop Lion's Mane 
  • Reishi mushroom


    If I had to pick one mushroom to use it would be Reishi Rampart.  Often hailed as the "Mushroom of Immortality," it offers a remarkable blend of immune support, stress relief, and longevity, embodying nature's profound wisdom in fostering holistic well-being.

    Shop Reishi 
  • Turkey Tail mushroom


    Turkey Tail paints a spectrum of immunity, its colorful fan unfolding potent polysaccharides that weave a protective tapestry in the body.

    Shop Turkey Tail