Why There Is No Substitute for Coffee and the Magic of Pairing it with Good Mushrooms

Why There Is No Substitute for Coffee and the Magic of Pairing it with Good Mushrooms

Coffee – the very word evokes a sense of warmth, wakefulness, and comfort. It's not just a beverage; it's an experience, a ritual, and for many, an essential part of the day. The rich aroma, the bold flavors, and the caffeine kick are unparalleled. No matter how many new trends emerge in the world of drinks, there is simply no substitute for a good cup of coffee made exactly the way you like it.  I put my mushroom extracts into my coffee every damn day and i would not have it any other way. 

happy mushroom coffee blend

The Unmatched Allure of Coffee

Let's delve into the essence of coffee itself. It is a roasted bean extract! Coffee is a complex concoction of flavors and aromas. From the floral and fruity notes of a light roast to the bold, smoky essence of a dark roast, coffee offers a spectrum of experiences. This means there are so many different ways to prepare, thus people like it prepared in many different ways.  The first warm sip that feels like a hug in a cup.  Perhaps the “hug” is getting your fix? This experience cannot be replicated by any other beverage. Some will say so, but I say “nay”...

The Shortcomings of Coffee-Mushroom Blends

In the quest for innovation, the trend of coffee-mushroom blends has emerged. While this may seem like an exciting fusion, it often falls short of expectations. How can you expect a pre-made blend to have coffee the way you like it? These new companies often pair instant coffee with low potency extracts. To me, this is a double slap in the face, a one - two punch in the gut. The delicate umami and earthy flavors of mushrooms can easily be overpowered by the robustness of coffee, leading to an imbalanced and sometimes jarring flavor profile. Instead of a harmonious blend, you might end up with a muddled mixture where neither the coffee's richness nor the mushroom's subtle notes shine through. It is very hard to find an instant coffee worth putting in your flavor face hole! Can you trust the mushrooms in these ready made blends? Maybe they are just in there as a gimmick and don't have enough per dose to actually matter? Maybe they are low quality therefor medicinally useless?

The Power Duo: Good Coffee and Good Mushrooms

Instead of blending these two distinct entities, why not enjoy them separately but together, allowing each to shine in its own right? Did you know that adaptogenic mushrooms can help regulate the cortisol spike that caffeine creates in your body? So by combining high quality organic mushroom extracts with your coffee (just the way you like it) you create a smoother caffeine experience. NO COME UP, NO JITTERS, NO CRASH.

Health Benefits: Best of Both Worlds

Both coffee and mushrooms offer unique health benefits. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to a reduced risk of several diseases. Mushrooms, on the other hand, are nutritional powerhouses. They're packed with novel compounds, minerals, and are one of the few non-animal sources of Vitamin D. Learn more about mushrooms here.

IMO There is only ONE brand that does good coffee with high quality mushroom extracts. So if you must get a pre-made mix, GET IT HERE.

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