Restful Nights: How Mushrooms Like Cordyceps and Reishi Revolutionize Sleep for Biohackers

Restful Nights: How Mushrooms Like Cordyceps and Reishi Revolutionize Sleep for Biohackers


  • For biohackers and wellness enthusiasts alike, enhancing sleep quality is a prime objective for improving overall health and performance.
  • Two powerful natural allies in this quest are Cordyceps militaris and Reishi mushroom extracts. Cordyceps helps regulate circadian rhythms, and deepen sleep, while Reishi acts on GABA receptors to promote relaxation and better sleep.
  • Exploring these fungi, along with True Chaga and Amanita muscaria, reveals nature's sophisticated toolkit for hacking sleep.

mushrooms potions and someone sleeping

In the relentless pursuit of peak performance, biohackers understand that sleep is not just a necessity but a critical component of their toolkit. The quest for a night of restorative sleep has led many to explore natural supplements, among which mushrooms like Cordyceps militaris and Reishi have emerged as potent allies. These fungi offer a natural solution to the modern problem of sleeplessness, intertwining ancient wisdom with contemporary science in a narrative that resonates with everyone from the biohacking aficionado to the average insomniac who “Just wants to get some rest”

The Quest for Better Sleep

In our always-on world, the challenge of shutting down and securing a restful night's sleep is a common plight. Who hasn’t laid in bed with the screen's blue light keeping us awake! The conflict arises from our bodies' struggle to maintain natural rhythms in an unnaturally paced lifestyle. Here enters the role of functional mushrooms, a solution provided by nature, tested by time, and validated by science.

Disrupted Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

Circadian rhythms, our internal clock that dictates sleep-wake cycles, are often disrupted by modern lifestyle factors such as screen time, irregular schedules, and stress. This disruption leads to a cascade of health issues, with poor sleep quality at the forefront. Enter Crucial Cordyceps militaris, a mushroom that has shown promise in regulating these circadian rhythms. 

A Study suggests that Cordyceps can help deepen our sleep, thanks to its ability to “increase NREM sleep and decreased REM sleep, suppressing waking.”

“Cordycepin, targeting on AR, can be helpful for sleep disturbance subjects. Thus, the results also indicated a role for cordycepin, an adenosine analogue, in the regulation of sleep and held promise for a new class of compounds as potential agents in the treatment of sleep disorders, such as insomnia. Cordycepin as an adenosine analogue increased NREM sleep and decreased REM sleep, suppressing waking. Cordycepin also increases theta waves power density during NREM sleep via nonspecific AR in the ventrolateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus of the rats. Further research would be necessary to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms of cordycepin-induced sleep modulation in the brain”

Cordyceps militaris is often touted as an “energy” mushroom and it is true, however this special species has the unique ability to both create sustained energy and promote better sleep. This is very rare in the herbal and natural medicine world. Thats why i called it "Crucial" Cordyceps

The Role of GABA: Enter Reishi

Reishi Rampart mushroom, known for its calming effects, operates through a different mechanism, targeting the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). GABA is crucial for sleep because it helps calm neuronal activity in the brain, promoting relaxation and facilitating the transition to sleep. Reishi's impact on GABA pathways mirrors the action of many sleep medications but in a natural and gentle manner, making it a favorite among those looking to enhance sleep quality without resorting to pharmaceuticals. I take a heaping teaspoon in the evenings to relax and prepare for rest. Sure it tastes like a bitter forest floor but it works damn well! Once my body recognized its effectiveness, I salivate just thinking about it and enjoy the intensity of the flavor. 

Expanding the Toolkit: True Chaga and Amanita Muscaria

While Crucial Cordyceps and Reishi Rampart offer direct paths to improved sleep, the exploration doesn't end there. True Chaga, another functional mushroom, boasts a rich antioxidant profile that supports overall wellness and, by extension, sleep. Amanita muscaria, though more controversial due to its psychoactive properties, has been cited for its GABAergic effects, potentially offering another natural avenue for sleep enhancement and anti anxiety properties. I use Amanita muscaria for sleep and it helps me very much, it also gives me vivid dreams! Email me if you are interested in trying Amanita muscaria.

sleepy person with supplements and mushrooms around them

Nature's Sleep Aid

The narrative of improving sleep through natural means comes full circle with these mushrooms. By addressing both the physiological and neurological bases of sleep, Crucial Cordyceps in the AM militaris and Reishi Rampart in the PM offer a dual approach to overcoming the modern challenge of sleeplessness. This story of ancient remedies meeting modern science provides a compelling solution for the biohacker seeking to optimize health and performance through better sleep.

For those navigating the complex world of health optimization, the message is clear: nature has provided a sophisticated toolkit for enhancing sleep. By leveraging the power of functional mushrooms, biohackers can harness these natural solutions to achieve the restorative sleep essential for peak performance in all areas of life.

As we delve into the intricate world of medicinal mushrooms and their impact on sleep, it's evident that the blend of traditional knowledge and modern research offers a promising frontier for those dedicated to optimizing their health. Whether you're a seasoned biohacker or simply looking to improve your sleep quality, the exploration of Cordyceps, Reishi, and beyond presents a natural pathway to achieving your wellness goals.



Hu Z, Lee CI, Shah VK, Oh EH, Han JY, Bae JR, Lee K, Chong MS, Hong JT, Oh KW. Cordycepin Increases Nonrapid Eye Movement Sleep via Adenosine Receptors in Rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:840134. doi: 10.1155/2013/840134. Epub 2013 Apr 24. PMID: 23710239; PMCID: PMC3655593.

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  • Chu QP, Wang LE, Cui XY, Fu HZ, Lin ZB, Lin SQ, Zhang YH. Extract of Ganoderma lucidum potentiates pentobarbital-induced sleep via a GABAergic mechanism. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2007 Apr;86(4):693-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2007.02.015. Epub 2007 Feb 22. PMID: 17383716.

  • Park YK, Lee HB, Jeon EJ, Jung HS, Kang MH. Chaga mushroom extract inhibits oxidative DNA damage in human lymphocytes as assessed by comet assay. Biofactors. 2004;21(1-4):109-12. doi: 10.1002/biof.552210120. PMID: 15630179.

  • Gottesmann C. GABA mechanisms and sleep. Neuroscience. 2002;111(2):231-9. doi: 10.1016/s0306-4522(02)00034-9. PMID: 11983310.

  • Phull AR, Ahmed M, Park HJ. Cordyceps militaris as a Bio Functional Food Source: Pharmacological Potential, Anti-Inflammatory Actions and Related Molecular Mechanisms. Microorganisms. 2022 Feb 10;10(2):405. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10020405. PMID: 35208860; PMCID: PMC8875674.

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