My Bitter-Sweet Foray Into Managing Blood Sugar with Fungal Friends

My Bitter-Sweet Foray Into Managing Blood Sugar with Fungal Friends


  • Hamilton turned to Reishi, Cordyceps, and Lion's Mane mushrooms in 2016 to tackle erratic energy and nighttime cravings.
  • Key Benefits:
    • Reishi: Improved sleep by stabilizing blood sugar levels.
    • Cordyceps: Eliminated mid-afternoon energy slump.
    • Lion’s Mane: Reduced sugar cravings by inhibiting glucose absorption.
  • Continuous Use: Stopping the mushrooms led to a return of symptoms, highlighting the importance of ongoing use.
  • Lifestyle Integration: Emphasizes that mushrooms are part of a broader health regimen including diet and exercise.

Hello, fellow natural wellness enthusiasts! I'm going to share my personal journey of managing blood sugar. This often felt like an out of control rollercoaster through some apocalyptic Candyland: nighttime munchies, restless sleep and low energy.  This story has a twist that might just mushroom into something helpful for those struggling with similar issues.

It all began back in 2016, when I noticed my energy levels were as erratic as the mountain weather while foraging. Morning fatigue, after-meal energy crashes, and waking up in the middle of the night hungry were my daily challenges. I felt like I was being controlled by sugar cravings. I could only rest after stuffing more than a few cookies into my face hole. 

The daunting task of controlling blood sugar and managing glucose through diet and exercise alone felt like trying to cultivate a garden in barren soil. My cravings for sweets seemed to have a mind of their own. Despite my best efforts, including declining nearly every tempting dessert that crossed my path, my progress was moot. I came upon a potential solution like finding a fungal honey hole—mushrooms! But not just any mushrooms—specific varieties known for their blood glucose managing properties.

Mushrooms to the rescue

Eager to introduce some spore-tacular allies into my wellness regimen, I dove deep into the world of Reishi, Cordyceps militaris, Lion's Mane, and Oyster mushrooms. Each of these fungi comes equipped with its own superpowers. 

Reishi is kind of an everything mushroom, (everything except food, too tough to chew!). In a 2021 study Reishi mushroom extracts have been found to improve blood glucose levels by increasing insulin production. This helps in the more efficient uptake of glucose from the blood, thus lowering blood sugar levels. This was demonstrated in a study on streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats, where the administration of Reishi mushroom extract resulted in higher insulin levels and better control of blood glucose. I started to take Reishi Rampart in the evenings and here's the catch: it is very bitter. Once included in my daily routine I STOPPED WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT FEELING HANGRY. Once I experienced the positive effects, the bitter taste became something I wanted more of. Just thinking about it now makes me salivate and that is a sign that my body likes it.

Prevent Hyperglycemia with Cordyceps

Cordyceps militaris is often touted as an energy mushroom, but it is so much more!  Cordycepin, a major active component of Cordyceps militaris, has been found to prevent hyperglycemia effectively. In a study on diabetic mice, cordycepin administration led to a significant reduction in blood glucose levels and improved markers of diabetes. This was achieved through the modulation of glucose metabolism in the liver and protection against diabetes-related kidney and spleen injury. This improved metabolic process has potential stabilizing energy levels throughout the day. I added Crucial Cordyceps to my morning coffee and  MY 3PM SLUMP NEVER HAPPENED and DOESN'T HAPPEN ANYMORE. 

Reduce glucose absorption with Lion’s mane

The effects of Lion’s mane go further than being THE brain food. A 2020 study showed that Lion's Mane mushrooms contain compounds that inhibit α-glucosidase, an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates into glucose in the digestive tract. By inhibiting this enzyme, these mushrooms can reduce the absorption of glucose and prevent spikes in blood sugar levels after meals. This action is similar to certain anti-diabetic medications and can be particularly beneficial for managing after meal blood glucose levels. Once I was on a regular daily regimen of Lucid Lion’s Mane MY SUGAR CRAVINGS DECREASED and NOW I DON'T FEEL CONTROLLED BY SUGAR. More on Candida Later. Lion’s mane helping with glucose in the digestive tract and helping improve cognitive function re-enforces the gut brain connection for me. 

Armed with this powerful knowledge and a new diet inclusive of these marvelous mushroom extracts, I noticed a significant shift. My blood sugar levels began to stabilize, and the energy dips that used to disrupt my days started to fade. I started sleeping through the night and not waking up hangry at awful hours.  It felt like I had finally found the missing piece of my health puzzle, all thanks to these incredible fung-allies.

But here's the twist, when I stop taking the mushroom extracts, the cravings and negative effects of imbalance blood sugar creep back into my days. So I keep taking them to sustain my balance and live a better life. 

In the spore of the moment, this journey has underscored the power of nature’s remedies and the importance of maintaining an open mind. While mushrooms have been a fantastic addition to my health toolkit, they are part of a broader lifestyle change that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Feeling myco-curious? Are you a natural medicine person? Consider delving into the magical world of medicinal mushrooms. It might just be the natural solution you need to manage your own sweet saga!

Curious? Wanna pull that sweet tooth? BUY NOW


Elsemelawy, S., Gharib, M., & Elhassaneen, Y. (2021). Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) Extract Ameliorate Hyperglycemia and Liver/Kidney Functions in Streptozotocin-induced Type 2 Diabetic Rats. Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Seul Ki Lee, Se Hwan Ryu, Ayman Turk, Sang Won Yeon, Yang Hee Jo, Yoo Kyong Han, Bang Yeon Hwang, Ki Yong Lee, Mi Kyeong Lee, Characterization of α-glucosidase inhibitory constituents of the fruiting body of lion's mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus), Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 262, 2020, 113197 ISSN 0378-8741,

Ma, L., Zhang, S., & Du, M. (2015). Cordycepin from Cordyceps militaris prevents hyperglycemia in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.. Nutrition research, 35 5, 431-9 .

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