
Modern Forager

Modern Forager Logo with mushroom in background

The "Honey Hole"

As someone deeply immersed in the world of mycology and mushroom foraging, I am continually on the lookout for resources that are both informative and engaging. Modern Forager stands out as a jewel in this realm. This website is not just a resource; it's a “honey hole” for both novices and experts in the field of mushroom foraging.

Easily Accessible Mycology Knowledge

The depth of knowledge presented by Trent and Kristen on Modern Forager is astounding. The site offers a plethora of well-researched articles, easy-to-follow guides, a practical and well curated shop and great visuals that make the complex world of mycology accessible to everyone.

Whether you're a beginner seeking basic knowledge about mushroom varieties, or an experienced forager looking for advanced tips, Modern Forager has something for you.

All The Tools

What truly sets Modern Forager apart is its commitment to utilizing ALL the tools, both techy and old school to make your forays a success and help fill your baskets. 

Highly Recommended

Modern Forager is an exceptional resource. It's a site I visit frequently and always come away with new insights and a deeper appreciation for the world of mushrooms. Whether you're a seasoned forager or just starting out, I highly recommend Modern Forager as your go-to guide in the enchanting world of mushroom foraging.

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